Tuesday 20 August 2024

The narcissist does not want a partner, they want a servant, a pawn in their game of self-aggrandizement, a mere reflection of their own magnificence. They crave a devoted follower, a loyal subject, a constant admirer, and a perpetual source of supply for their insatiable ego.They seek someone to:- Cater to their every whim- Anticipate their every need- Fulfill their every desire without question or hesitation- Idolize them, worship them, and put them on a pedestal- Be their echo chamber, their yes-person, their enabler, and their accompliceThe narcissist sees their partner as an extension of themselves, a tool to be used for their own gratification, a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They don't see their partner as a person with their own:- Thoughts- Feelings- Needs- DesiresBut as a mere object to be manipulated, controlled, and exploited. And when the partner finally realizes that they are nothing more than a servant, a slave to the narcissist's ego, and tries to break free, the narcissist will stop at nothing to keep them in their place.They will use:- Guilt- Anger- Manipulation- Gaslighting- Emotional blackmail- Even violenceto maintain their control and dominance. So, if you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, remember that you are not a partner, but a servant, and that your only value lies in your ability to serve their ego. Break free, take back your life, and never look back.Copied