Wednesday 16 October 2024

KEEP YOUR CIRCLE SMALLA Short Valuable StoryA young girl asked an elderly woman: "Do I really need friends in life?"The elderly woman responded:"Yes. Life is truly very rough. There should be someone by your side with whom you can talk for hours without feeling that they would judge you; on whose shoulders you can cry, one who will give you emotional support. When no one will be there for you, they should be there. One who should help you share the good times and overcome the difficult ones."The young girl asked:"Is it true that a fake friend is more dangerous than an enemy?"The elderly woman responded:"Yes. It's because you know who your enemy is and you're not going to let them get close to you. But a false friend is pretending while getting your trust. They find out your vulnerabilities, your secrets and your dreams. They know which button to press and how to stab you in the back."The young girl asked: "How do I avoid being surrounded by fake friends?"The elderly woman paused for a short moment, then asked,"Between a small garden and a forest, which one has more snakes and scorpions?"The young girl responded:"The forest, sure!"The elderly woman smiled, and then said:"Good! When you keep your circle of friends small like a small garden, the less snakes and scorpions you have to worry about, even rats. The fewer people you hang out with, the fewer problems you have to deal with. When I was young, I had a very big group of friends. But as I grew old and wise with experience, my circle of friends became smaller. I realized that quality outweighs quantity when it comes to friendship. Don’t fool yourself by holding onto the illusion that everyone is your friend. You may have numerous acquaintances, but real friends will always be just a few people you love and trust. The best way to prevent yourself from falling into the fake friend trap is by being more mindful about the size of your circle."✍🏻 Worth Sharing #story #beautifullifeskl