Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Dear people,I decided to make 2023 plan for you. Hope you like it.1. What should be your priority?- You, yourself & your growth.2. What should you save?- Save your time that you wasted due to overthinking. And, if you want to think about something too much or for too long. Then make a day in a month, but not every day.3. What should you add?- First is Discipline. Because Discipline is permanent & Motivation is temporary most of the times.Second is Mental Peace. Life is different nowadays so inner peace is important in a time of stress. You can achieve it with exercises, instrumental music, books, etc.4. What should you ignore?- First is Ignore what people are talking negative about you? Life is too short to worry about those who hate you, who are jealous of you, who consider you as opponent. You don't need their validations.Second is Ignore pleasing everyone because even God can't make everyone happy in this world. Do not hesitate to say 'No'. Infact, you should learn to say No.5. What should you stop?- Stop comparing yourself to others, it make you feel bad about yourself & it also affect your confidence level. Focus on your strengths & aim. You are great.6. What should you practice?- Gratitude.Thanks for reading.❤️🙏